Domestic Homestay Program is a short term home stay program. It is designed for Japanese teenagers up to 18 years of age who wish to study abroad but....

✔ Can not afford going study abroad
✔ Have no confidence in speaking English
✔ Have anxieties about living abroad

Volunteer Host Families Wanted!

The volunteer host families are English-speaker residing in Japan.

The program aims to bring the communities ever closer together, through providing the opportunities for non-Japanese residents to be a host family for Japanese students.

Through interactive communications and cultural exchanges among hosts and guests, the program will bring about positive impacts to the communities, and betterment of the international bond. It's really wonderful to expand your horizons and to realize that we are not really so different from each other.

We believe in peace through better communication!I think this is something we can all agree on. After all, peaceful coexistence and prosperity should be our priority! Also, this is a good volunteer opportunity in Japan!!


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology took a survey on the status of international exchange in Japan.
The questionnaire was distributed to high schools across the nation in 2013.
The following negative trends were observed.

The percentage of the students who are interested in study abroad were 44% and who are not interested in study abroad were 56%.

The three main reasons chosen by students who are NOT interested in study abroad were...

✔ 54% Language Barrier

✔ 37% Financial Reasons

✔ 32% Feeling Anxious about Living Abroad

* Multiple answers were allowed. Therefore, the total number exceeds 100%.

Our solution is to facilitate the Domestic Home Stay program to overcome these challenges.


Chokkura can be translated to, Short Time or Light-Hearted. We provide short-term home stays from 3 hours in Japan so as to facilitate deeper and lasting cultural understanding between people all over the world.


New Zealand × Japan

The guest and I really enjoyed talking to each other and we covered many topics. I think the home stay program is a great scheme and both guests and hosts can learn a lot about each other's culture and language.


Bangladesh × Japan

It is good for interaction with new people and customs. We can share our lifestyles and discuss about different experiences. The son is in jonior high school and he learned a lots of things from the guest.


France × Japan

My kids enjoyed playing with a Japanese teenager; it was the first time for them. Communication was easy and they played a lot of games together.


We’re sure the benefits you feel will be as great as that you provide for your guest..